Costa Rica Realty

Costa Rica RealtyCosta Rica realty is in high demand, especially in our area. We’ve got high end luxury beach villas for sale that are also affordable, and come with our own flexible financing – CLICK HERE TO CHECK US OUT

If you’re looking for real estate in Costa Rica, you’ve probably already fallen in love with this small tropical paradise, where locals are laid back and very friendly, weather is pretty much perfect year-round, has good healthcare, has lots of beautiful beaches, easy flights access from US and Canada cities (Europe now too!), and it boasts 5% of the world’s biodiversity … a dream life in a peaceful country :-)

Costa Rica RealtyMost of our beach homes are located in the northwest province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica’s Golden Coast. This is, in our mind, the best place to live due to its numerous white-sand beaches up and down the coast, and ease of access to the airport, schools, and medical care. It’s not a coincidence why thousands of expats already call Guanacaste their permanent home.

Check out hundreds of our past buyer and guest reviews – CLICK HERE

If you’re looking to living down here part time and rent out your home the rest of the time for extra income, our beach villas are ideal for this too. They’re located in gated and safe communities on the beach, that are very popular with international as well as domestic renters. We founded and ran a successful vacation rental business in Costa Rica for 9 years, so we can give you expert advice on how to maximize profit on your new home, so you too, like millions of other people around the world, can take advantage of the booming “AirBnb economy”.

Costa Rica RealtyCosta Rica realty is our specialty, please contact us so we can show you our luxury beach homes at Hacienda Pinilla Resort, Tamarindo Beach and surrounding areas, you never know, you might end up being our neighbor in Costa Rica :-)

Have a great day!!
Stephanie and Jorge Morera
Costa Rica Realty: